in SEO Consulting - 23 Feb, 2018
by proseo - no comments
Over optimization can harm your website

“The way that I often think about SEO is that it’s like a coach. It’s someone who helps you figure out how to present yourself better – In an ideal world, though, you wouldn’t have to think about presenting yourself and whether search engines can crawl your website; they’d just be so good that they can figure out how to crawl through the flash (crawl through the forums, how to crawl through the JavaScript or crawl through whatever it is.” said Matt Cutts.

“The idea is basically to try and level the playing ground a little bit, so all of those people who have sort of been doing (for lack of a better word), over optimization, or just overly doing their SEO, will now be compared to the people who are just making great content and trying to make a fantastic site!”.

So, you see, Matt Cutts broke it down for us pretty well back in the year of 2012. You need a website that actually took time and dedication to build, as well as content that’s going to hit home with nearly every single person that comes into contact with it. Why, you might ask? Well, I’m going to tell you exactly why!

What Are Search Engines Actually Looking For in a Website?

This is information that should fuel the very core of your SEO practice, and it will be a major factor in regards to the amount of growth and activity that your website sees. They have specific traits to look at whenever it comes to your website, and you should look at it like some sort of fancy desert. Is it going to be a beautiful layer cake, with each and every page bringing another form of entertainment/knowledge, or is it going to be a burnt apple pie with a little bit of whipped cream on top?  The search engines that we’ve come to know and love these days aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and they just want to take a look at the most relevant items around.

Content – Good content is going to translate into good results, that’s why a lot of people tend to make sure their content creators are top notch. If they weren’t, they’d need a lot of SEO work to even think about being a successful website. Take a look at any successful website on the internet right now and sift through their content, do you notice anything “low quality” about it?

Site Performance – A website that doesn’t operate smoothly is going to be a problem, because it’s not going to sit well with your visitors. When a bot goes to crawl your website for SEO purposes and it’s loading slowly, there are some pretty immediate penalties that could be hitting you.

User Feelings – Believe it or not, search engines actually have something to say about how your users feel about the website. When your visitors are happy with the experience, word is going to get out – this could lead to things like social media posts or just a general boost of popularity in your website.

Authoritative Stance – Backlinks and many other things will attribute to the “authority” of your website, so the greater your reputation happens to be (in regards to the general public), the better. Being popular is going to do a lot more for your website than you might think, that’s why marketing in general is always a good idea. You could still over optimize a website with authority-related links and such – so keep it in mind.

Other Ways to Go About Over-Optimizing Your Website

A website is a lot like a baby, and I mean that by the fact that you’ll need to nurture it and watch it grow over time. When you over-optimize a website, it’s pretty much like over-feeding a baby – something you never want to do. It won’t turn into this handsome and hunky young man that you raised yourself, but instead turns into a hefty 30-year old smoker that just doesn’t care anymore. There’s a big difference between the two, and over optimization could lead towards one of those results; I’m sure you’re already aware as to which one that would be!

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Irrelevant Keywords

Keywords play a pivotal role in how well your website is going to do in terms of making money, as well as how many people are going to see it on a daily basis. When you’re interested in getting as many keywords into your content as possible, you have to do it without putting too many in – you’ve also got to worry about getting the right ones. Irrelevant keywords are a problem that tons of people have to work through, but that could easily be avoided if they had just done a little more research in the first place. Using the wrong keywords can be costly, and it’s a must that you avoid doing that as much as possible. Whenever you can rely on the keywords that you’re using, the results are sure to follow. Over optimization occurs a lot through these means, but it won’t make a fool out of everyone!

Research Those Keywords!

Research the different types of keyword variations you’ll be able to work with in your niche, it’s tough work, but it’s going to make every single keyword you end up using a reliable one. Research is a daunting task in its own right, so when you have to apply it to keywords, you know there’s going to be a lot of stuff to sift through. In the research process, there are plenty of tools that can point you in the direction. Seeing as over optimization is a problem that many different internet marketers find themselves having to overcome, making a small investment in some paid keyword researching tools might be smart. Alternatively, you could just figure out another option – hiring an SEO company to handle every single aspect of the keyword research is usually your best bet.

Google actually has a keyword researching tool of its own, and it’s named “Google AdWords Keyword Planner”. It should help you plan the way you’re going to approach the next piece of content, a lot of people actually get their content ideas from taking a looking at the many different keywords in their niche.

The Approach

Some people will tell you that researching a keyword or two is easy, but going through an entire batch is an entirely different ordeal. If you want to get started quickly, just follow this easy-to-use protocol! You should be there in no time at all (well, you’ve still got to do a bit of work, but when all is said and done it will have been worth it). Here’s a step-by-step process on how to begin researching your keyword lists!

  1. Take it upon yourself to find some important topics related to your business/website. From here, all you have to do is put words to those ideas. If you’re in the blender business, make sure you try and find the best possible alternative words to blender for your own personal use.
  1. Fill up the required areas with your topic words and such, with tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, a bunch of different keyword selections will pop up.
  1. Research all of the different keywords that come up in the planning tool, see what the different rates of competition and other things happen to be – from here, you’ll be able to determine which ones are more reliable (and which ones aren’t even worth pursuing).
  1. Try and see if there are any long-tail keywords that you can supplement into your content/websites – these shouldn’t be the ones that you base everything off of though. Long-tail keywords follow the same trend as regular keywords, meaning that you shouldn’t over saturate them; that will also lead to over optimization.

Long-Tail Keywords

what are long tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are keywords that are somewhat secondary to the topic at hand, and they’re used (within reason) to make sure that every single piece of content being used on your website is as SEO-friendly as possible. When we say SEO-friendly, it definitely doesn’t mean over optimized! Long-tail keywords are almost like the salt and pepper to your content steak, it’s a seasoning that is somewhat needed in most cases. With the right long tails, you’re going to be pushing your content into a level of epic proportions.

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot, make sure that you’re doing your due diligence when dealing with both keywords and long-tail keywords. If you don’t, you may put yourself at risk of over optimization – or maybe even under optimization!

So what’s good SEO you need to focus on?

Good SEO means:  Visitors Feel Better – Visitors will feel a lot better about your website when the content on it is as high quality as it comes. Think of it from your side of the playing field, if you’re visiting a website and the content cannot be read due to keyword stuffing (which we’ll also get into a little bit later), you’re probably not going to appreciate it for what it’s worth. When your quality is going to hit home with the visitors who are frequenting your website, it not only appears to make sales go a little smoother, but it also ensures that over optimization isn’t something you’ll need to keep in check. Some people can write naturally and manage an abundance of keywords in one piece, others can’t – sometimes it might just be about finding the perfect writer. Most SEO companies out there have writers on their roster that will do a fantastic job, so you might want to just consider hiring an SEO firm today.


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